


僕らの歌は世界をつなぐOur Songs Make the World as One

その名も、「うたフェスJAPAN」。英語名は「Japan Vocal Music Festival」といいます。


A brand new, big and fun event is born in Yokohama in 2024 after the final of beloved choral event "Karuizawa International Choral Festivial."
This is "Japan Vocal Music Festival," called "Uta-Fest JAPAN" in Japanese.
It's the Festival for Songs (Uta) held for 3 days in beautiful city, Yokohama where has the long history of intercultural exchanges. We wait for you who love choral songs, a cappella, barbershop style and many other genre of vocal music!
Uta-Fest is filled with the joy to sing!

うたフェスJAPAN総合プロデューサー 芸術監督
松下 耕
Ko MATSUSHITA, General Producer and Artistic Director of the Japan Vocal Music Festival

松下 耕

1962 年東京生まれ。作曲家、合唱指揮者。国立音楽大学作曲学科首席卒業。卒業後、ハンガリーに渡り、合唱指揮法及び作曲法を学ぶ。レメーニ・ヤーノシュ、モハイ・ミクローシュ他に師事。作曲家として生み出している作品は、合唱曲を中心として多岐にわたり、それらの作品は世界各国で広く演奏されており、同じく楽譜も、国内外で出版が相次いでいる。これまでに、国内およびポーランド、中国、台湾、香港において個展が開催された。2005 年、合唱音楽における国際的かつ優れた活動が認められ、「ロバート・エドラー合唱音楽賞」をアジア人で初めて受賞した。2019 年国際コダーイ協会のシンポジウムで基調講演を行った。また2023 年に同協会より選出され、名誉賛同者(Distinguished Patron)に就任。2023年、ポーランド宗教音楽研究所より、最優秀宗教音楽家として認定され、ワルシャワにて表彰された。一般社団法人東京国際合唱機構代表理事。

松下 耕から

Ko Matsushita introduces recommended events for 3 days

  • 【歌う!参加する!】 / 【JOIN US!】

    ・バーバーショップには『Japan Barbershop Convention 2024』
    ・名曲をオーケストラと歌える『ブラームス ドイツ・レクイエム』

    We have “Yokohama International Choral Festival” for choirs, “Children and Youth choir's Festival” for youth and school choirs, “Senior Choir Showcase” for senior choirs, “A Cappella Showcase" for all genre ensemble groups, "Japan Barbershop Convention" for barbershoppers, "Special Choir for Uta-Fest JAPAN 2024" for individual singers and "Brahms Memorial Choir" as an oppotunity to sing the masterpiece with the orchestra!
    (And others!)

  • 【聴く!楽しむ!】/【ENJOY THE EVENTS!】

    ・クラシックファンには『ブラームス ドイツ・レクイエム特別演奏会 with神奈川フィルハーモニー管弦楽団』が生で聴けます。
    ・すべての歌好きのために『The Real Group Special Live in YOKOHAMA』をご用意!

    We have "Premiere Concert: German Requiem with Kanagawa Philharmonic Orchestra" for the classic funs, "Special live by Japanese professional vocal group" for the acapella funs, and "The Real Group Special Live" for all music lovers! World famous vocal group comes to Yokohama!

  • 【学ぶ!スキルアップ!】/【LEARN AND TRY!】

    ・『そのひとがうたうとき』(谷川俊太郎作詩、松下 耕作曲)のオーケストラ版も同時に演奏します。

    We have "Vocal clinics" by vocal trainer for all the singers.
    At "A Cappella Festival," all the performance groups can get the lesson by professional vocal group!
    All youth choir which join to "Children-Youth Festa" will perform "Hymn to the Future" with Kanagawa Philharmony Orchestra. It will be an impressive opportunity for children and youth.
    If you want sing a masterpiece "German Requiem," you can join the performance as a member of Uta-Fest JAPAN Brahms Memorial Choir. "When the Person Sings (Lyrics by Shuntaro Tanikawa, Composed by Ko Matsushita)" will also be performed.


  • 名誉顧問 菅 義偉
    Honorary Advisor Yoshihide Suga
    (Member of the House of Representatives, former Prime Minister)

    「うたフェス JAPAN」は日本と世界の文化交流の場として、この度、新たに横浜で始まります。
    「うたフェス JAPAN'24僕らの歌は世界をつなぐ」に国内外から多くの方が訪れ、文化の交流が活発になることを期待しています。

    前内閣総理大臣 衆議院議員 菅義偉

    "The Japan Vocal Music Festival" will be newly launched in Yokohama as a venue for cultural exchange between Japan and the world.
    As one of the oldest port cities connecting Japan to the world, Yokohama has developed itself through various cultural exchanges. Last year, the Minato Mirai 21 area celebrated its 40th anniversary of goundbreaking. I am delighted to see it has become such an attractive city with world class entertainments, universities, and multinational companies.
    I hope "the Japan Vocal Music Festival 2024: Our Songs Make the World as One" will attract visitors from Japan and abroad, and can facilitate more cultural exchange.

    SUGA Yoshihide
    Former Prime Minister of Japan
    Member of the House of Representatives

  • 名誉顧問 黒岩 祐治
    Honorary Advisor Yuji Kuroiwa
    (Governor of Kanagawa Prefecture)


    神奈川県知事 黒岩 祐治

    I celebrate that "the Japan Vocal Music Festival" is held on a large scale here in Kanagawa Prefecture.
    This event will be held for three days at Yokohama Minato Mirai Hall. A lot of choirs from Japan and abroad will participate in this festival.
    I would like to express my deepest respect to all those involved in organizing this festival and extend a hearty welcome to all participants who have come to our prefecture.
    I hope that the wonderful harmony of all the voices will fill the venue and touch the hearts who listened.
    Our prefecture has been promoting the "Magnet Culture" initiative, which creates a vibrant community through the power of cultural arts. I expect that this festival will accelerate these efforts.
    I wish for the great success of the festival and the continued progress and the best of luck of all those gathered.

    KUROIWA Yuji
    Governor of Kanagawa Prefecture

  • 名誉顧問 山中 竹春
    Honorary Advisor Takeharu Yamanaka
    (Mayor of Yokohama)

    会場となる「横浜みなとみらいホール」をはじめ、昨年9月に開業した世界最大規模の音楽専用アリーナ「Kアリーナ横浜」、「ぴあアリーナMM」、「KT Zepp Yokohama」など、横浜は、大小さまざまな音楽施設が集積する「音楽のまち」です。これからも音楽の力で街の魅力を高め、国内外の多くの皆様から「選ばれる都市」として、さらに発展していけるよう力を尽くしてまいります。

    横浜市長 山中 竹春

    We are delighted to announce that a brand new international vocal festival will be held this year in Yokohama, a city which has been a hub for cultural exchange since the opening of its port. On behalf of the people of Yokohama City, I would like to extend a hearty welcome to all singers and audiences from Japan and abroad.
    Many vocal artists from all over the world, from children to seniors, will meet in this festival. I hope that everyone who joins the festival fully enjoys the time filled with the wonderful voices of each participant.
    Yokohama is a "City of Music" with a variety of music facilities of several scales, including the Yokohama Minato Mirai Hall, the world's largest music arena "K-Arena Yokohama," which opened last September, "Pia Arena MM" and "KT Zepp Yokohama," etc. We will continue to enhance the attractiveness of this city with the power of music. We expect the development of Yokohama brings more "choices" of this city from Japan and abroad.
    I wish the continued success of "Japan Vocal Music Festival 2024" and all those who have worked hard on this event.

    Mayor of Yokohama YAMANAKA Takeharu



平日 10:00-16:00